Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Let your money work for you by Kenneth Doghudje

Everybody wants to work with the best. The best represents a standard that over time we have come to believe represents quality, results and success. In my experience, I have discovered that many people are not working with the best tool to make them financially successful. They are not employing money! They neglect to make money work hard for them thereby producing more. Instead, they spend most, if not all of what they make, believing another one will come.

Money is meant to be your employee, toiling to make you richer. The rich understand that the purpose of money is for multiplication, while the poor think money is meant to be spent. The former put their money to work and end up getting more while the latter spend and end up working for money. You can never get rich working for money. You can only get rich when money works for you. Here are some reasons that make money an excellent employee:
Firstly money is neutral. It has no favourites and does not play “office politics.” It does not give excuses for poor performance nor neglect to follow instructions. Once you deploy it to work for you it keeps on doing so, and it will provide results if deployed correctly and wisely.

Money is the only employee who never gets tired, working round the clock, multiplying and increasing in value. It can be put into many different vistas of opportunity here and abroad all working at the same time to produce value for its employer.

Thirdly money’s place is to be your servant, and not your master. Sadly this is not the case with many. If you don’t put money in its place it usually rises to become your master. You then begin to live for it and will do anything to get it. Money or the lack of it begins to affect your emotions. Remember money is meant to be your servant, treat it like that and you will master the keys to amassing it. Money is not meant to be worshipped.
 Money is also a seed. When planted in the right soil it will flourish and grow like a tree continuously producing fruits of more money. What would happen if the farmer ate all his seeds? There would obviously be no harvest. So the farmer employs his seed if he wants to harvest and so do the rich. They refrain from eating their money seeds, instead planting them for an even greater harvest continuously until they have more than enough to live on.

Finally those who deploy money to work for them amass even more because opportunities continue to come their way. Putting your money to good use continually attracts other opportunities which also bring with it access to capital, funding and connections required to grow wealth. In no time those who employ money see their money increase as they keep working it in cycles taking advantage of good opportunities till they can leave successfully on the overflow.

There are two types of people in the world today. Those who are in the “rat race,” working hard for money, never having enough, always broke and then there are those in the “fat cat race,” making their money work hard for them, multiplying it, growing fat financially because they have a good understanding of it. The former are usually employed by the latter.

It’s time you put your money to work producing for you. Start from where you are with what you have currently, no matter how small. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. If others can understand, apply and deploy wealth principles and strategies so can you. I wish you the safest of journeys on the wealth highway!

Kenneth Doghudje

culled from www.businessdayonline.com

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