Thursday, 2 February 2017

Ineffective Sales Leaders Can Cause Lasting Damage

Success in a sales force requires having strong talent up and down the organization. 

A weak salesperson will weaken a sales territory, a bad sales manager will damage their team and dampen results in their region, and a poor sales leader will eventually ruin the entire sales force. For even the most seasoned among us, it can be difficult to recognize the signs of a poor sales leader and the possible damage the person can do — especially when they appear to do some good early on.

Consider these examples.
An education technology startup hired a sales leader who came from a large, well-respected firm.
He had extensive market knowledge and a stellar track record. Although good at scaling and operating a sales organization, the leader was unable to succeed in a rapidly changing environment that needed experimentation and nimbleness.
The mismatch between the startup's need and the leader's capabilities set progress back at least a year.

Your business while you are still employed - HOW?

Good day reader, Have you given it a thought what business you can establish, manage without leaving your current job/work? I have been look...