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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Nigerians, ye make an Owl of yourselves ~ Don Abiodun Odedeyi

Let me start by saying, "Nigeria, you are in deep shit".
Nine policemen abducted by pipeline vandals in Arepo. What in the world is happening to Nigeria my beloved country?
Fifty-four military personnel killed in Gombe!!!!
And if I remember correctly, about 120 DSS, policemen SSS etc were disemboweled by a sect in Nasarawa.
Sect! Sect, vandals, robbers, #BokoHaram everybody kicking the asses of our beloved security forces.
Like an owl who decides not to see in broad daylight, you (Nigerians) just decided to look elsewhere on these evils maybe because it is not happening in your backyards.
Remember the Kaduna Bomb video that went viral in 2012? Let me remind you...

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Shoremekun Saheed Ololade: Why is the Arab world very very quiet in the #‎Bring Back Our Girls campaign?

They are practically saying nothing.
If something like this were to happen over there in the middle east, you'll get some bigoted, naive and foolish fellows going on the streets (in places like Kano or Kaduna for example) to protest on behalf of "their muslim brothers in the Arab World". Some of these Nigerians will even kill and maim innocent people all in the name of "defending their religion" and "brothers".
God help you if you criticize the Arabs on anything, these foolish 'defenders' will come at you with guns blazing.
Not trying to sound sarcastic, why .didn't the Arab world effectively come to the aid of "their muslim brothers in Nigeria" earlier before now?
Abi dem no care ni?

Sunday, 11 May 2014

‘To our Girls in Nigeria’ – Graça Machel Mandela

If someone somehow can get this message to our girls, even if is just the wind whispering to them, we want them to know that we love them and we care for them. Their plight has touched millions of hearts in Africa and beyond. We send them waves of love and comfort, to warm their hearts and dry their tears. We pray for them and look forward to the day when they will embrace their parents and families at home.

We send them waves of energy to keep their inner selves strong and resilient. When the dark night in the forest is overwhelming, they must lift their eyes to the sky. The stars are watching over them. They must not lose hope and they must not succumb to fear and despair, even in the most adverse of circumstances they find themselves in.
We love them always.
Read more

Saturday, 10 May 2014


LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — The international effort to rescue the 276 schoolgirls being held captive by Islamic extremists in northeastern Nigeria was boosted Friday when British security experts joined the Nigerian and American forces trying to rescue the missing students.
As the worldwide effort got underway the weakness of the Nigerian military was exposed in a report issued by Amnesty International.
Britain said its aim was not only to help with the current crisis but to defeat Boko Haram.
"The team will be considering not just the recent incidents but also longer-term counter-terrorism solutions to prevent such attacks in the future and defeat Boko Haram," the Foreign & Commonwealth Office said in a statement Friday.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Are we sure we still have one Nigeria? by Don Abiodun Odedeyi

I believe there is ‪#‎BokoHaram‬ side and the ‪#‎Nigeria‬ side...

These guys can't be moving Armour Personnel Carriers around in a state currently under State of Emergency OR is it that they have a new military weapon called INVINCIBLE use by Boko Haram that we don't know about?
Again, this is Wikipedia's account of our Military forces...
"The Nigerian Armed Forces are the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The military has active duty personnel in three armed services, totaling approximately 200,000 troops and 300,000 paramilitary personnel."
...I understand that we are big brother to the likes of Sudan, South Sudan, Liberia, Sierra Leone etc BUT we need more than the 14, 000 Defense Hqtrs said was deployed to ‪#‎Borno‬.
Eni ti o ba dake, ti e a ba dake (He who keep mute [about his challenges], is mute away [from possible solution].
That Borno is divided, to me, is an open secret. If this government of Nigeria believes media blackout on the true state of things is to ensure the unity of this country (not to encourage others from other part of the country to do same) then there is need for a change of government. we cannot continue to bask under incompetence and lies.
The same lies is what has brought us to this present situation.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Why good memories are less likely to fade By Paula McGrath

Why do we remember some things well, while other memories fade? Researchers suggest it could be that good memories persist longer than bad - helping to keep the human race happy and resilient.

Psychologists say that holding onto our good memories - and leaving the bad ones behind - helps us to deal with unpleasant situations and retain a positive outlook on life.

It was 80 years ago that the idea of negative memories fading faster was first proposed.

Back in the 1930s psychologists collected recollections about life events like people's holidays - marking them as pleasant or unpleasant.

Weeks later an unannounced request came from the researchers to recall their memories.

Of the unpleasant experiences nearly 60% were forgotten - but only 42% of the pleasant memories had faded.

This is something which many of us recognise - after a holiday we might reminisce about the pleasant days out and people we met - but forget about how terrible the flight delays were.

Culled from